Fuel supplyof Qeshm Island
- Renovation and elimination of risks due to the wear of the existing pier - Rockfill on the seabed and rock placement around the existing pier - Increase in the berth capacity of ships up to 5000 tons - Construction of access road at sea and along the access road to the existing pier with driven steel pile and concrete deck structural system - Construction of the shed of fire water pumping house and fire building and control room and around the concrete tank of fire water - Change in the fire extinguishing system from non-automatic mode to automatic system with water and foam - Construction of 150 meters of access road with a width of 5 meters in the sea - Construction of an operating platform and two berthing dolphins and four mooring dolphins using 73 driven steel piles - Rockfill and rock placement operations: about 23,000 cubic meters - Construction of the shed of fire water pumping house and fire building and control room - Installation of three 6-inch loading arms, three diesel fire pumps - Construction of two firefighting water storage tanks, each with a capacity of 3,500 cubic meters - Carbon steel and polyethylene piping - Other equipment required for mechanics, electricity, instrumentation, cathodic protection and safety